#13 (A Prophecy)
Deep beneath has lurked a past
Chosen have you such a path
To respect and avoid the abyss
While sanctifying your own wrath.
Cleverly written was your fate
You still find hard to swallow
Grim and marked you though was
Your days, with utmost sorrow.
The sky is set high and it still rains
Shan't you fear being alone
Proud are you, and determined is your soul
For your will is etched in stone.
You'll only fear the moon and the stars
For they have meant you grief
Keep your bonds steel and be of help
As in your friends you seek relief.
Smitten with luck you seemed to have
Yet lost you, the realms of bloom
Stay precious and be strong
Long enough shall you live to be groom.
Reminiscing would you be, for the days to come
Should you choose an alternate you
Hath found a few worth faith and love
Never let them without view.
-F. Julian
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