#10 (My Bestfriend)


I have a friend who's priceless to me

Who's always full of life and glee!

Always doth her fun side show,

How perfectly understanding is she!

I took her over lots of pebbles and rocks,

Had I, with her, many meaningful talks.

Yet never did she ever complain

About hostile terrain, and painful walks.

Very bright is her smile, which for I,

Never compliment as I'm always shy!

Splendidly honest are we to each other

And to her, I'd never lie.

Changed us do seem these last few days,

As we both try to mend our own ways.

Through pride and caution and inspiring smiles,

We face challenges together, for that's our craze!

How extremely beautiful is she, though

How magnificent are the qualities she does stow!

How dedicated and hardworking is she,

In her presence, I am never low!

Faith's blessed me with such a comrade,

My memory of her will never fade.

Extremely honoured and grateful I am,

To have a friendship which's lustrous than jade!

-F. Julian


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