
Showing posts from 2019

#5 (I Am Not Me)

I AM NOT ME However hard may someone try to Change me, transform me, rejig me, I had swore upon an oath I had made since nonage, That I would never see myself in alien shoes, And never imitate a person built on his own. Could it be possible that I have lied, For I have lost my reflection in the mirror that I face now and then? I can’t seem to find myself, even in the deep water Where I appear to have lost my being Even worse is the fact that I am not me I have betrayed my trust, and am resentful About the unaware being that I desperately mimicked. Where am I? Not in the shadows that lurked about. Where am I? I have lost my dear, dear entity. I swore, and I had mutinied against Myself, for no sound and sane reason. I am not what I used to be, and not what I Desired to be. What a mess I have made. The showers of sorrow that rain upon me every Now and then are now acquainted with an image I loathe, I detest, even to this day. - F. Jul...

#4 (A Eulogy)

A EULOGY For it has been a long Time since I have seen you Buckets have been spent upon Condolences, weeping, and sorrow A pallor on a sallow face was common Among the mourning in the room. Dimly burns the midnight oil Today as a reminder of the grief Rendered by your uneventful passing Away, in the dark, I still grieve Tears shimmer in the silver moonlight Uncontrolled, and saturated with a sentiment. Such a torrid moment had we spent Upon the day you left us upon The world that you had Seen so little of. This is but A commemoration in your name Upon candles and bolides, I wish That you were here right now Right beside me. -        F.Julian

#3 (I Never Had A Friend)

I NEVER HAD A FRIEND What I had so proudly remembered As a friendship to last a lifetime I thought to myself that I, I had Found the perfect set of bruvvers But, oh boy was I wrong So idyll were my notions. I had seen people go in and go Out with their companions, their compadres So lucky they are to have Found such a friend who would Accompany their darkness and touches of melancholy And wipe their tears for them. So many incidents have I clocked Wherein the companions take proud faith To support each other The loneliness thereby fades until A speck of unforeseen betrayal Upsets the clean, spotless friendship. The fear of losing one or Possibly the bogey of never getting one Has caused me to become a man Without support from anyone his age Inscribed upon my heart are bitter feelings For the friends that were never allies. Harshness fell all around as Nobody seemed to care Deep sunk did my lively spirit A shipwreck...

#2 (A Heartbreak)

A HEARTBREAK Out on a cold London night I strolled past the lights Dim and flickering as was My life, my life here Blew past me a wind So frosty and frigid. As miserable as I was My misfortune spelled out In front of me by a voice I Recognized as that of Fate Of which I cared so little about Back the day when I was a free man. Now I am burdened with The chains of what resemble Frigid steel and emotionless silver A shade so metallic, which has Seemed to pierce my heart through An interstice too large for patches. So disdainful is the feeling that It kills the soul inside out, and twists The mind about something that You wouldn’t likely get back The image still pertains in my mind, a place That belonged to her once. How harrowing it is for one to feel Utter heartbreak that one couldn’t Feel anything, anything but a tap On his shoulder, by Fate herself Telling him something that he Cannot ever bear to discern. The ...

#1 (Across The Crystal Seine)

ACROSS THE CRYSTAL SEINE Across the crystal Seine stood I Admiring His finest artwork A girl about my age with sublime blonde tresses An enchantress, with a cherry aura Looking at the azure sky Sitting on her ever beautiful shanks. So mystically enthralled was I Something rose in my heart A vehemence, so strong With an urgency of desire Just by admiring an artwork Of inordinate finesse. Soon her eyes met mine An excellent shade of turquoise In dissimilitude to the aura she So vividly possessed And soon did I realize Her matchless place in all humanity. We met upon the Pont Dame Knowing nothing of each other But of our eyes that we locked Only a short while ago The hormones raged, relentless. She spoke with a voice I Couldn’t place with her soft tongue A voice full of pain and grief Each syllable a story Like a bird in agony trying To free itself from strong steel. A pain that I was desperate about To know th...